Ruth Bader Ginsburg Thinks Colin Kaepernick’s Protest Is ‘Dumb’

Giving credit where due, the Notorious RBG certainly got this one right on all counts. Our “oppressive” government stands behind the constitutional right of such obvious victims of oppression as Kaepernick to engage in phony protests:

Museum’s slight of Clarence Thomas does African American history a disservice

Very sad to see politics trump historical significance, as appears to have happened in this case. Whether you agree with his legal positions or not, Justice Thomas is unquestionably one of the most consequential African-Americans of our times. He has served honorably on the Supreme Court for 25 years, and his life story is truly inspiring. Yet liberals regularly subject Justice Thomas to scorn because he does not conform to their monolithic conception of how black people ought to think. It’s beyond ironic that the African-American History Museum would be a party to this shameful racial stereotyping.